Fast screenshot of selected area: Our app allows you to select any area on your desktop and take its screenshot with 2 button-clicks. · Easy-to-use application ...
Use the 'Print Screen' button (PrtSc). You'll find it on the upper-right side of most keyboards (or next to the Space Bar on some). It will copy an image of your entire screen to the clipboard. You can then hit 'Ctrl + V' to paste it into a document.
The easiest way to get to the Snipping Tool is to press Windows Key-Shift-S. That keyboard shortcut gives you a choice to take a screenshot using a rectangular ...
hold down, ⊞ Win, and, Shift, and press, S, = Use your mouse to draw a rectangle in order to specify what to capture. Windows then copies it to the ...
Press the Shift+Cmd+3 to screenshot your full screen. Next, you can either click on the preview that appears in the corner of your screen or ... How to take a screenshot on PC · How to take a screenshot on Mac
Press and hold the Power and Volume Up buttons at the same time. This quick shortcut will instantly screenshot the whole screen on a Surface Laptop, Surface Pro ... Take a Quick Full Screen... · Take a Screenshot of a Game...